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SaasRock v0.3 - The Remix SaaS kit - What´s next?


I'm planning to start my own SaaS this month. June was packed wit a lot of features, such as Roles and Permissions, Row Visibility, Tags/Tasks/Comments, Workflows, Filters, Kanban and API usage.

SaasRock v0.3 - The Remix SaaS kit - What´s next?

Ever since I started programming, 12 years ago, I wanted to build SaaS applications. But it was not until recent months that I finally feel confident enough to make a successful business with SaasRock's v0.3.2 release, click here to get it!

June Recap

Here's a summary of what was added last month:

  • Roles and Permissions - For views and actions
  • Row Visibility - Private, account members, specific roles, specific groups, or public
  • Row Tags, Tasks, Comments, and Workflows - For all custom entity rows
  • Row Filters with URL - employees?q=luna or employees?firstName=luna
  • Simple Kanban board component
  • API usage - Limit API calls based on current subscription

Check out the full changelog:

July Plan - My first SaaS app with SaasRock

What better way to know what SaasRock is missing than actually building a SaaS. Today I'll start building an Invoicing SaaS platform using SaasRock to validate the framework - with 3 main features:

  • Receipts - Upload your expense receipts
  • Invoices - Create invoices for your customers
  • Emails - Convert supplier emails to invoices

It will be a SaaS for Mexican companies, but surely some features that I need will be added to the SaasRock Enterprise 🚀 (and some to SaasRock Core 🪨).

I'll announce the end result on July 31st on my Twitter @AlexandroMtzG.

A few other things:

  • If you need help building your SaaS or don't have the time, check the Founder's Edition (4 left).
  • I'll improve Workflows (e.g. email notifications, rules...), CRM (automatically create contacts for registered users, send emails...) this month, and other issues (check out the issues roadmap).

If you sign-up for SaasRock pre-launch you will lock in the current price for v1.0 AND get a chance to help shape the direction of this framework. You can join the discord server and ask existing customers their opinion. We're all looking to build successful SaaS apps 😀.

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